How to offer Salat?

Keep the rows straight in a line, and equal in length.
(Saheeh Bukhari, Saheeh Muslim)
All to stand shoulder to shoulder, in a manner as if a lead molten wall.
(Saheeh Bukhari, Saheeh Muslim)
Every one to stand, shoulder to shoulder, foot to foot.
(Saheeh Bukhari) and ankle touching the ankle.
(Abu Daud, Sanad Saheeh)
Shoulders and necks should not be ahead of each other but straight in a line, row.
(Abu Daud, Sanad Saheeh)
Even the chests ought to be in a straight line, not bulging in front or backward.
(Saheeh Muslim)
Every row (Suff) must to be completed, no Suff (row) should to be left incomplete or up to half way; if a suff (row) has to be left incomplete then it must be the last row, (Suff).
(Abu Daud, Sanad Saheeh)
The rows (Suffs) should be close to each other.
(Abu Daud, Sanad Saheeh)
Once Aqamat is over, then not to run to join in the row, instead walking gracefully join the row.
(Saheeh Bukhari, Saheeh Muslim)
Not to make a suff (row) in between the two pillars.
(Hakim, Sanad Saheeh)
A man, not to stand alone in a row, (Suff).
(Rawah Ahmad, Sanad Saheeh)
However, a woman may stand alone.
(Saheeh Muslim)
If a man, by mistake, has offered salat alone in a row (Suff), then he must repeat the salat.
(Ahmad, Abu Daud, Tirmizi, Sanad Saheeh)
If by chance there happens to be a wall in between the Imam and the followers, then the salat will be considered as rightfully offered.
(Abu Daud, Sanad Saheeh)
In case there are only two persons for salat, then the follower ought to stand on the right side of the Imam, shoulder to shoulder, however, if there are three persons, then the Imam to stand ahead of the followers.
(Saheeh Muslim)
If besides, the Imam, there is one man, and one woman, then man to stand on the right side of the “Imam” shoulder to shoulder and the woman behind the imam. (Saheeh Muslim)
The “Imam” not to start leading the salat until all rows (Suffs) are in a straight line and order. (Abdu Daud, Sanad Saheeh)
To make the rows (Suffs) joined, not to create gap in between.
(Abu Daud, Sanad Saheeh)
Try the best, to find a place in the first row, as it is greatly virtuous.
(Saheeh Bukhari)
If in a “Jamaat” of two persons, the third one joins, the imam should push behind both the followers by holding them with their hands.
(Saheeh Muslim)
Adults and the wiser, should occupy the front rows, then accordingly, merit wise, keep on standing in rows.
(Saheeh Muslim)
Women to organize their rows behind the rows of the men.
(Saheeh Muslim)
Aqamat to be pronounced first, then on seeing the imam coming, to get up for making the rows, and all the rows (Suffs) to be in order before the imam takes his place for leading the salat. (Saheeh Bukhari, Saheeh Muslim)
Be humble and gentle to those arranging the rows.
(Abu Daud, Sanad Saheeh)
Imam too, should monitor the formation of rows, showing emphasis in excess.
(Saheeh Muslim)
The “Imam” to walk through the rows, place his hand on followers shoulders and chests, saying stand in a straight line, do not move ahead or backward.
(Saheeh Muslim)
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