Announcements & Press Releases

Salat-ul-Eid ul Azha 2022, 1443 A.H.
Karachi: Salaat-ul-Eid-ul-Fitr, will be offer InshAllah on Sunday 10th July 2022, 10th Zul Hajja 1443 A.H., 7.15 AM PST Sharp at:
Eastern Star Cricket Ground
Block L, North Nazimabad, Near Landi Kotal Roundabout, Karachi
Note: Praying Salat-ul-Eid in Masjid is against Sunnah. As every year arrangements have been made for women to attend Eid congregation in accordance with the command of the holy prophet (Sall Allahu Alaihi wa Sallam).
In order to facilitate Muslimeen in reaching the Eidgah on time, several buses have been arranged by the Administration of Jamaat-ul-Muslimeen in several areas of Karachi.
Old Announcements

Salat-ul-Eid ul Fitr 2022, 1443 A.H.
Karachi: Salaat-ul-Eid-ul-Fitr, will be offer InshAllah on Tuesday 3rd May 2022, 1st Shawwal 1443 A.H., 8.00 AM PST Sharp at:
Eastern Star Cricket Ground
Block L, North Nazimabad, Near Landi Kotal Roundabout, Karachi
Note: Praying Salat-ul-Eid in Masjid is against Sunnah.
As every year arrangements have been made for women to attend Eid congregation in accordance with the command of the holy prophet (Sall Allahu Alaihi wa Sallam).
In order to facilitate Muslimeen in reaching the Eidgah on time, several buses have been arranged by the Administration of Jamaat-ul-Muslimeen in several areas of Karachi.

Shall be held InshAllah on
25, 26, 27 December 2021, Saturday, Sunday & Monday
21, 22, 23 Jamadiul Awwal, 1443 A.H. in Karachi, Pakistan
Dars-e-Quran Majeed
Topic: Aljamaat Ki Ahmiyat
Mudarris: Muhammad Ishtiaq Sahab (Ameer Jamaat-ul-Muslimeen)
Venue: Markaz Jamaat-ul-Muslimeen, Khokharapar No.2½, Malir, Karachi
Saturday 25 December 2021, 21 Jamadiul Awwal 1443 A.H.
Rest of the Program Shall be held at
Sunday, Monday, 26-27, December 2021, 22, 23, Jamadiul Awwal 1443 A.H.
Venue: Markaz Jamaat-ul-Muslimeen, Khokharapar No.2½, Malir, Karachi
You are cordially Invited to Attend This Ijtima
Note: Please bring travel needs according to weather, There is also separate camp for ladies
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