
How to Keep Fast - Saum


Like any other month, the month of Ramadan too, may be of twenty nine “29” or thirty “30” days.
(Saheeh Bukhari, Saheeh Muslim)

The month of Ramadan to start with sighting of moon, and come to an end also with sighting of moon. that is fasting to start with sighting of moon, and stop with sighting of moon.

(Saheeh Bukhari, Saheeh Muslim)

To carefully watch and monitor the dates of the month of “Sha’aban”, so that there is no mistake in the starting date of Ramadan.
(Abu Daud, Sanad Saheeh)

If moon has been sighted on 29th of Sha’aban, then start fasting from the very next day. In case moon not sighted on 29th, then no fasting next day, and complete thirty days, and start fasting from next day.
(Saheeh Bukhari)

If moon not sighted on 29th of Ramadan, then next day observe fasting (not to break fasting), complete thirty days of the holy month of Ramadan, and then break the fast.
(Saheeh Muslim)

The condition of sighting of moon for the start and breaking of the fast is only for the date of 29th, not the 30th Whether the moon is sighted or not on the 30th day, start or break the fasting from the next day.

(Saheeh Bukhari, Saheeh Muslim)

If moon is not sighted on 29th day due to clouds, then complete thirty days of that month; and start counting of the new month from the next day.
(Saheeh Bukhari)


Not to observe pre-Ramadan fasting, a day or two before the beginning of Ramadan. However, it is not applicable to those who are always observing fast in these days. For example, if some one always keeps a fast on Mondays and Thursdays and by chance 29th or 30th of Sha’aban happens to fall on Monday or Thursday, then he may observe a fast on that day.

(Saheeh Bukhari, Saheeh Muslim)


The fasting time starts with dawn of the day, as such one must bear in mind to intend for fasting, before the dawn of the day, and as soon as the dawn starts; stop eating, drinking and sexual intercourse.
(Surah: Baqarah, Verse: 187, Abu Daud, Sanad Saheeh)

Intention is defined as a determination, wish in heart. For every action, intention or determination has a key role to play. If the intention (purpose) behind an action is to win Allah’s pleasure and favor, then that action will be granted approval by Allah, otherwise not. So for Soum (fasting) too, have the intention in the heart, “I am fasting exclusively for Allah’s will and pleasure”.
(Saheeh Bukhari)

Note: Not to have verbal intention for fasting, as it is an innovation, Bid’at.


Regarding the obligatory (Farz) Soum (fasting), without any solid religious reason or ground, no body has the authority, option, of keeping or not keeping the fast. So, if any one for any part of the day, exercised his own authority for having no intention to fast, then for that part of the day, the fasting remained without intention. Although having an intention is very important and is the very basis for all deeds

More over, the part of the day for which the man had no intention to fast, also proves that he behaved as a sole authority for that part of the day, whether to fast or not; although no one gave him the authority or power he exercised. In-fact he should have considered himself bound to Allah’s will and bowed in total submission, and instead had the intention to fast since dawn of the day.


By dawn of the day is meant, the day break, the light of the day.
(Saheeh Bukhari, Saheeh Muslim)

Dawn does not mean the light, which is a long line or streak, but it is that light which is dispersed or spread in the entire atmosphere.
(Saheeh Bukhari, Saheeh Muslim)


The food taken a little before dawn during the fasting month of Ramadan is known as SEHRI. Sehri is taken by Muslims only; as such it also draws the line of demarcation between the followers of Islam and the followers of other “Divine Books”. There is also goodness and blessing in Sehri.
(Saheeh Bukhari, Saheeh Muslim)

Sehri to be taken during the last part of the night, a little before dawn.
(Saheeh Bukhari)

Sehri must be taken, may be just a glass of water.
(Rawah Ibn-e-Asakir, Sanad Saheeh)

The interval between Sehri and Fajr salat, to be just that long so as to permit recitation of fifty verses in between the gap.
(Saheeh Muslim)

In case, before dawn, an Azan is given as a caution for Fajr salat, then on hearing this Azan not to stop eating and drinking. In fact this Azan is given to wake up the one, who is in the bed, for Fajr salat, and send back the one, who is offering Tahajjud salat, (to finish Tahajjud). As a matter of fact, this salat has relevance neither to Ramadan nor Sehri. This Azan may be given through out the year. It is primarily for awaking the one in bed, and asking the other to finish Tahajjud salat so that both could make preparations for Fajr salat. The Azan is given when it is still night, and there is no fasting during the night. However, hearing the Azan, given at dawn, one should stop eating and drinking.
(Saheeh Bukhari, Saheeh Muslim)

If a bowl is in hand, and there is Fajr Azan after the dawn, then may consume what ever is in the bowl. This is a concession from Allah.
(Abu Daud, Sanad Saheeh)


After having started the fast, until night, that is sun set; not to eat, drink or have sexual intercourse. To break the fast as soon as the sunset has taken place, this is the time when the night (darkness) starts appearing in the east, and the light of day has moved to the west. (Saheeh Bukhari, Saheeh Muslim)

Very hurriedly to break the fast after sun set has taken place, and there be no delay in breaking the fast. (IFTAR).
(Saheeh Bukhari, Saheeh Muslim)

At Iftar, breaking the fast recite this supplication:

ذَھَبَ الظَّمَأُ وَابْتَلَّتِ الْعُرُوْقُ وَثَبَتَ الْاَجْرُ اِنْ شَآءَ اللّٰہُ۔

Translation: The thirst has been quenched, and the arteries soaked; and the reward established, with the will of Allah. (Abu Daud, Sanad Saheeh)

To break the fast with dates, if dates not available, with dried date; even if dried date is not available, with water. Date is blissful and water the purifier.
(Tirmizi, Sanad Saheeh)

To break fast before Maghrib salat.
(Tirmizi, Sanad Saheeh)

If, on account of clouds has broken the fast, by mistake, before sunset, then there is no harm in doing so.
(Saheeh Bukhari)

There is no harm, if due to omission has eaten some thing while fasting. However, after that omission, complete the fast till the time of Maghrib.
(Saheeh Bukhari, Saheeh Muslim)

For More Details Regarding Fasting Please See Details in Our Book: Som-ul-Muslimeen

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