

Islamic History

Islamic History: Reality Uncovered & Myths Exposed The world witnessed the greatest and most astonishing series of conquests by Jamaat-ul-Muslimeen in the era of Muhammad Rasoolullah (Sall Allah u Alaihi wa Sallam) and his successors i.e. the twelve Caliphs. In only a few years, Muslim controlled areas were spread over a vast territory from Medina …

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How to Perform Hajj?

How to Perform Hajj? UMRAH: To take provisions for a journey while leaving for Umrah.(Surah: Al-Baqarah, Verse: 197) Not to take the animal for sacrifice, while leaving with the intention to perform Hajj-e-Tamattu.(Saheeh Bukhari, Saheeh Muslim) Before leaving home to use fragrance free oil.(Saheeh Bukhari)Then to embark upon the carriage, say Allah-o-Akbar اللہ اکبر three times, …

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