


Thursday All those believing in oneness of Allah, true Muslims are granted pardon and forgiven for their sins, save those two persons who have enmity and grudge against each other, as such on Thursday’s keep the hearts and soul clean and purified with grudge against none. It is good fasting on Thursday, as on this …

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Wednesday Keeping fast during the months of Ramadan, Sha’aban, and on every Wednesday and Thursday is as good as keeping the fast for the entire year.(Abu Dawood, Sanad Saheeh) Note: There is no hadith regarding application of Pachhna, or otherwise on Wednesday. The application of Pachhna now is almost obsolete and totally out of practice. Village …

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Tuesday On Tuesday, the use or application of Pachhna (name of an instrument for tattooing, inoculating) (Tattooing); there is no hadith neither in support of it, nor against it. Also there is no hadith regarding goodness or badness of Tuesday.(Saheeh Muslim)


Monday On Monday, all those believing in oneness of Allah, (Muslims) are granted pardon and forgiven by Allah, save those two persons, who have enmity and grudge against each other. So, on Mondays, keep the hearts and soul clean and purified, having enmity and grudge against none. It is good keeping a fast on Mondays …

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Saturday Not to keep fast only on Saturday.(Abu Dawood, Tirmizi, Sanad Hassan) However, it is much better to keep a fact on Sunday along with Saturday, so that there is a display of dissidence to the followers of the Book (Jews and Christians), for they consider both these days as Eid.(Musnad Ahmad, Sanad: Hassan) It …

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Friday On Friday take a bath, wash the head thoroughly, cleanse the teeth and mouth with Miswak, and if possible, also wear perfume. Apply oil to hair, put on a very neat and clean dress and leave for Friday salat. While in the mosque, must not cross over the necks of the people. Must not …

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Zul Hijjah

Zul Hijjah Treat the month of Zul-Hijjah, as a month of Eid.(Saheeh Bukhari, Saheeh Muslim) It is a sacred month.(Saheeh Bukhari) The first ten days (10) of Zul-Hijjah are the days of extreme virtues and sacredness. The good deeds and virtues earned during these ten days, are more virtuous and sacred as compared to noble, …

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