
October 2022

Islamic History: Reality Uncovered & Myths Exposed

Islamic History: Reality Uncovered & Myths Exposed The world witnessed the greatest and most astonishing series of conquests by Jamaat-ul-Muslimeen in the era of Muhammad Rasoolullah (Sall Allah u Alaihi wa Sallam) and his successors i.e. the twelve Caliphs. In only a few years, Muslim controlled areas were spread over a vast territory from Medina …

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Castrating Animals is Prohibited

Castrating Animals is Prohibited An English Rendering of the Urdu leaflet “Janwar Ko Khassi Banana Mana Hai” By Syed Masood Ahmad Ibn-e-Abbas (RadiAllah-Anho) says that the Messenger of Allah (SallAllah-u-Alaihi-wa-Sallam) strictly forbade from tying beings that have souls and doing archery on them and the castrating of animals (Ikhsai-ul-Bahaim). (This hadith has been narrated by …

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Compilation of Hadiths

Compilation of Hadiths It is a common misconception amongst people that hadiths were collected and written down after 150 to 200 years of Prophet Muhammad (SallAllah-u-Alaihi-Wa-Sallam’s) death. This misconception has led to people viewing hadiths suspiciously as they surely can’t be authentic as they were collected much later. Hadiths were compiled and written down since …

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Ruling on Celebrating Non-Muslim Festivities

Ruling on Celebrating Non-Muslim Festivities Two festivities of the People of the Book are looming these days, i.e. Christmas and the New Year. We have become used to those festivities being celebrated in companies, organizations, societies, etc. We are also used to some Muslims participating, joining, and attending these events of falsehood, behaving in a …

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Moon Sighting

Moon Sighting ‘They ask thee concerning the New Moons. Say: They are but signs to mark fixed periods of time in (the affairs of) men, and for Pilgrimage.’[Surah Baqarah, ayah 189] Chapter 5: THERE IS A SIGHTING OF THE MOON FOR EVERY TOWN; THE SIGHTING AT ONE TOWN CANNOT BE HELD VALID FOR THE OTHER …

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Month of Ramadan

Month of Ramadan Virtue of Ramadan When the month of Ramadan starts, the gates of the heaven are opened and the gates of Hell are closed and the devils are chained.[Sahih Bukhari Volume 3, Book 31, Number 123] Ramadan is a blessed month. In this month the Quran was revealed. In this month there is …

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