
October 2022


Hajj All The Commandments of Hajj Are Specific To Allah Only (HAJJ: A Journey of Pilgrimage To Holy Kaaba In Makkah City) Allah declares: The Hajj of Kaaba, by the people for Allah, is a divine command.(Surah: Aal-e-Imran, Verse: 97) Perform the ‘Hajj’ and Umrah for Allah.(Surah: Al-Baqarah, Verse: 196) The above mentioned verses reveal …

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Zakat Literally the word Zakat means to purify, and according to the terminology of Al-Quran and the hadith, it is that money, wealth, which is deposited in the “Bait-ul-Maal” of the Islamic state, every year, or at the time of ripening of the crop, according to a specific tariff. Zakat is paid as it is …

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The Soum/Fasting Literally the word “SOUM” means to “hold on” “stop”, “refrain from”. In religious terminology it means to refrain from eating, drinking and inter course.(Surah: Baqarah, Verse: 187) Note: Sayaam is the plural of Soum. FARZ SAYAAM: THE OBLIGATORY FASTING:Fasting in the month of Ramadan is “FARZ” obligatory and binding; so who so ever, …

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Prayers / Salat The Philosophy of “Prayers”: Salat: ‘Salat’ (Prayers: Namaz) is a very distinctive divine command of Islam. It is distinctive because it is binding under all the circumstances. You may be at home or undertaking a journey, in health or sickness, in peace or at war, what ever the situation may be, there …

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